- Includes: Automatic Air Vent
- Suitable for: 40 106 206 406 A601 A603A A617 A603AD A614A A603AT A605A A605B A608 A618 A607 A621A A609A A610A A620A A611A A619A A612 A615 A622 A613 A616 A623 KE03A PB02A PB09A KE03AT PB06A PB10A PB08A PB11A 01/PCC6 01/PCC6A 01/PCC6AD 01/PCC6D 01/PCC6H 01/PCC6HD 01/PCE6 01/PCE6A 01/PCE6H and 02/PCE6H 6 qt Pressure Cookers
Application: For forms a pressure tight seal between cover and body during cooking